Primary care physicians play an essential role in the diagnosis, care and survivorship follow up of patients with cancer. They are often the initial point of contact for patients in obtaining screening or evaluating symptoms, and they may make referrals, coordinate care, and are key team members in managing cancer and non- cancer-related concerns throughout the treatment trajectory.
Particularly when treatment is complete, primary care physicians are integral to helping survivors address late effects of treatment, obtain good follow up and take an active role in making the needed lifestyle changes to promote healthy survivorship. This lecture by UCLA internal medicine and Hospitalist Specialist William Carroll, MD addresses how you can best engage with your primary care doctor throughout your cancer experience.
For more information about this event visit, or call (310) 794-6644.
Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) Auditorium, C8-183 740 Westwood Blvd, UCLA Campus (directly across the street from the Ronald Reagan Medical Center). Parking is available at the RRMC and the Medical Plaza. Cost is $12 at both locations.
Submitted by Simms/Mann - UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology