Please stop spending other people's money. I don't want any tax revenue going toward "Chain Reaction" ("‘Chain Reaction' may get funds and fence," Feb. 20) or low-income housing ("City Hall considers tax hike for low-income housing," Feb. 21). Set up funds for people to make tax-deductible donations. If residents care about specific issues, then let them pay directly. Do not force the costs that potentially a few vocal people have on everyone.
I actually thought this was the idea for "Chain Reaction." It appears that this city, which is always supposedly near broke (and, therefore, always trying to justify new taxes), but running on record revenues, is going back on the original deal.
I worry about crime and specifically crime committed by the homeless. Let's start living within our resources and stop bankrupting our future with new taxes and expenditures.
Gaby Barclay
Santa Monica