Between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. Thursday, water to the pier will be shut off to allow time for a quick repair on the sewer line. The city asks that pier tenants refrain from using sinks and faucets or flushing toilets and urinals between these hours.
“If anybody flushes, we’re dead,” said on-site project manager Randall Martinez. “It’s going to splash right on us and I don’t want that.”
Martinez and his crew will be replacing a four-inch connector line with a six-inch one. Those two inches make all the difference for a new restroom facility on the pier — with about 20 women’s stalls and six men’s stalls, Martinez estimated — that should open by September.
Without this pipe, Martinez said, “our new restroom facility won’t be worth a damn.”
The only people affected by the shutdown will be pier tenants — about 10 to 15 businesses, Martinez said.